THOR Industries, Inc. recognizes the values and contributions of people with differences in experience, perspectives and capabilities. Diversity encompasses a variety of differences including, but not limited to: age, gender, experience, education, ethnicity, religious beliefs, cultural backgrounds, lifestyle and responsibilities.
Taking care of our team members by supporting them in their personal and professional goals is a priority at THOR. We do this by engaging and connecting with our team members to help in their development. We continue to implement resources to cultivate and empower our people around the globe. THOR is proud of the work we do in our communities, as they are a valuable resource to our success. We continue to develop our culture and organization every day.

Human Rights and Equal Employment
THOR Industries takes its responsibility to protect and respect human rights seriously, and we operate our business in accordance with internationally recognized human rights. More specifically, we’re dedicated to creating a workplace that respects and values people with diverse backgrounds, which enables all of our team members to do their best work.

Occupational Health and Safety
Our employees are absolutely critical to THOR Industries’ success. We acknowledge and support every employee’s right to a safe workplace. We are committed to complying with applicable legal standards, to providing a healthy and safe work environment and working to continually improve our health and safety practices.

Education and Community Engagement
We have a role to play in supporting the communities that build and use THOR Industries products. We've focused on three areas where we can have the greatest impact.