This Code of Conduct sets forth our expectation that all of our business partners, agencies and suppliers will act ethically, observe the principles set forth the Supplier Code of Conduct, and comply with all applicable laws. THOR strives to act with integrity and fairness in both our employment and our business relationships. We expect the same from those with whom we do business.
Along with our subsidiaries and affiliates, THOR Industries is committed to conducting business according to the highest ethical standards. This includes acting with integrity and fairness in both our employment and business relationships. We also expect our employees to act ethically, and in compliance with all applicable laws, at all times.
We expect the same standard of ethics from those with whom we do business, including business partners, agencies and suppliers. Most importantly, we expect all of our suppliers to comply with the principles set forth in our Conflict Minerals Policy and our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Conflict Minerals Policy
This policy declares the commitment of THOR to complying with the requirements of the Conflict Mineral provision of the Dodd-Frank Act, and our expectation that our suppliers do the same. We are dedicated to engaging in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, which complies with the law and supports our customers’ businesses. We support the Dodd-Frank Act concerning Conflict Minerals sourcing.

Disclosure Pursuant to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010
This disclosure confirms the commitment of THOR to legal compliance, ethical conduct, and fair employment practices wherever we conduct business in the U.S. This includes the prohibition of child or forced labor. This disclosure further identifies what steps we do not currently undertake with respect to our suppliers. We maintain the highest level of integrity in all aspects of our activities.

Web Hosting Standard Operating Procedure
Various legislative mandates require that THOR ensure adequate security for Personal Data. This document is intended to describe THOR’s Standard Operating Procedure for ensuring adequate security of THOR-Personal Data, hosted by 3rd Party Providers.

Custom-Code Standard Operating Procedure
The intent of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to communicate our minimum standards to suppliers, to ensure that suppliers deliver secure code. Suppliers will use industry-standard testing mechanisms and provide THOR with the results.

Supplier Sustainability Self-Assessment
Embracing sustainability offers a method for companies to integrate environmental, social, governance and supply chain initiatives into operations and company strategy. Understanding the status, risks and opportunities posed by sustainability are critical to the long-term viability of the value-streams for which we all depend. THOR’s Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire is designed to be a first check of supplier activities on these topics, and a tool to enable meaningful discussions moving forward.