Music Producer and Community Curator
Partners In Adventure
How Two Friends RV From Surf to Snow

Chelsea Wilde & Layla Anane

Chelsea Wilde
I first met Layla on the slopes of Crystal Mountain. I had been snowboarding for a few years and had built a really awesome community of women that I regularly met up with. There were always new people joining—we’d randomly meet new people, friends would introduce other friends—so it was no surprise when someone told me that I had to meet Layla.
Before I even shook her hand, I knew that I wanted to be friends with Layla. A mutual friend had told me how I really needed to meet her because Layla worked for a non profit organization that connected youth to snowboarding, mentors and service opportunities. I was excited to connect with Layla because my biggest passion in life is finding ways to build community—especially community in the outdoors—and it was clear that this was her passion too. What a treat to meet a woman in the local snowboarding community that uses the sports and activities we all love in order to help youth connect with their communities, face challenges. and grow together.

As I got to know Layla better and we spent more time together, I got to see what a beautiful heart she has. She’s so calming and kind to everyone. And I think that’s one of the most important things for me when I choose to travel and go on an adventure with someone—they have to be a good, reliable person. This is especially true when you’re traveling around in a small RV. You get very close, very fast and there isn’t any room for egos. There are things that I really want to do, like surf in 40-degree water, that maybe Layla doesn’t want to do, and vice versa. But a good companion let’s you do you, and you let them do them, but you do it together and you support each other. And that’s exactly what Layla does for me. She also cooks for me, which is a huge bonus. The first time we ever went surfing together, she brought me a homemade breakfast burrito. So yeah, I knew right away that we were going to be lifelong friends and adventure partners.

Layla Anane
Director: Youth Non-Profit Organization
Chelsea truly lives up to her name—she’s wild in the best way possible. When I first met her, she immediately asked me how she could get involved with my nonprofit organization. And that passionate energy is something that immediately drew me to her. On top of that, she loves to do all the same activities that I love.
Growing up, I struggled to find other women who liked the outdoors, who liked to snowboard and surf, but the community I’ve found through Chelsea is amazing. Everyone is each other’s biggest cheerleader, and that has really helped me come out of my shell. I’ve always been a pretty shy, reserved person. And then I met Chelsea, who is so unabashedly herself, that it made me feel safe to be myself. We understand each other’s needs and we’re both totally willing to make space for that. And I think that is extra important when you’re traveling with someone and driving around in an RV together.

You have to remember that things might get hard or messy, and you might not be great at something right away, but it’s so valuable to have someone there to remind you to have fun, enjoy where you are and the people you’re with. We’re so lucky to be within driving distance of the mountains and multiple surf spots—our adventure opportunities are endless. Everything we do here, we do it together, with sweaters on (it’s the Pacific Northwest) and smiles on our faces.

Class C Motorhome
Class Cs are recognizable by their over-cab sleeping/storage areas which provide additional living space for families of all sizes. Offering much of the craftsmanship of Class As, Class Cs are smaller in size and offer a wide range of features.
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