Get to Know

Donny & Tammy Benedict

2025 THOR Ambassadors
Keystone Cougar Fifth Wheel

Meet the Benedicts

Tammy is a teacher who travels in a 2021 Keystone Cougar fifth wheel along with her husband, Donny. Tammy and Donny make the most of every school break and long weekend to travel the U.S. and check off their bucket list along the way.

  • Describe your camping style

    I’m a teacher so during the school year, we are stationary and then we use school breaks for long trips. Because of this, our travel style can be pretty fast-paced! Once I retire, we plan on slowing down and staying at destinations for longer.

  • What is something that always lifts your spirits?

    Being outside in nature! Whether we are biking, hiking, kayaking or playing pickleball, being outdoors always makes us feel better.

  • What is your preferred type of camping?

    We are not boondockers, although we love a good Harvest Host overnighter. I think our favorite camping is a mix of state parks and RV Resorts.

  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever given or received?

    Stop waiting for a day that may never come. Make today that day.

  • What is your travel philosophy?

    With the help of our RV, we’re chasing our dreams, checking off bucket list adventures and proving that every moment is an opportunity to create lasting memories as we travel across the beautiful landscapes of the US.


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Donny & Tammy's Top RV Destinations

Glacier National Park

It’s just breathtaking view after breathtaking view. 

Cody, Wyoming

It’s the perfect location for scenic drives, horseback riding, and Yellowstone National Park! 

AT&T Stadium, Texas

AT&T Stadium in Dallas because RV tailgating is an experience you don’t want to miss.

Donny and Tammy Benedict make a toast outside of their Keystone Cougar.

Keep Up With The Benedicts

Website: 2Benedicts

Instagram: @2benedicts

Facebook: 2benedicts

2025 THOR ambassadors
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A Jayco Pinnacle fifth wheel boondocking in the desert.

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