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Bailey & Nicole Damberg

2025 THOR Ambassadors
KZ Durango Gold Fifth Wheel

Meet the Dambergs

Bailey and Nicole jumped headfirst into RV travel in 2021 and haven’t looked back since. They have four years, 30 national parks, and 38 states under their belt, and they hope to continue exploring the places in the United States they haven’t been to yet. They adventure in their KZ RV Durango Gold fifth wheel with two dogs and two cats. They believe life is best lived with a little chaos and enjoy sharing their highs and lows with other adventure seekers.  

  • Describe your camping style

    Our camping style is best described as “never get too comfortable.” We enjoy visiting locations we don’t know a ton about and trying new experiences that we wouldn’t usually go for. 

    In years prior, we’ve stuck to traditional campgrounds for the peace of mind that having laundry rooms and small stores nearby offers. But this year, we are aiming to test our adventurous side by boondocking in more remote locations (and learning how to be more self-reliant). 

    How we would describe our affinity for adventure:

    • Bailey: Always up for a challenge.
    • Nicole: Always along for the ride when Bailey is at the wheel.
  • What is something that always lifts your spirits?

    We love going for leisurely hikes or even a walk in nature to enjoy fresh air and light exercise while observing wildlife, plants, flowers, and, if lucky, scenic mountain views.  

  • What is your preferred type of camping?

    Our preferred type of camping is traditional RV “resort” style camping. We love to have the comfort of full hookups. The convenience of these traditional RV camping spots makes the chaos that sometimes comes with travel less stressful. However, now that we have a solar build-out we cannot wait to boondock and explore places we’ve never been able to reach!

  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever given or received?

    On a recent trip where we were hours away from home, we crossed paths with a couple who happened to be from the same town as us and who even knew some of our family members. Together we reflected on how the world is so small and they expressed how important it is to realize that, in most instances, we have more in common with strangers than we might think. When we reach out and spark a conversation with new people, we open ourselves up to the possibility of learning something new or, better yet, a new friend. You could also be surprised to find how much connecting with others brightens your day and makes someone smile. We took their sentiment to heart and now approach socializing in a whole new way.

  • What is your travel philosophy?

    Real adventure is that thing just outside the edge of your comfort zone. Take that leap of faith and you will discover a level of awe and self-growth you never knew existed. Whether you’re on a hike or at a local diner somewhere new, take an extra 10 minutes to really listen, learn and digest what you see and hear.


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Bailey & Nicole's Top RV Destinations

Grand Teton National Park

This park offers wide open spaces and rugged mountainous backdrops that we absolutely love. Plus, Jackson, Wyoming makes for the perfect National Park gateway city with its western feel and downtown amenities. 

New York City

It’s a thrill to do something that feels impossible. Camping in Jersey City, New Jersey and then walking to the train that takes you right into the heart of Manhattan is an experience we did not know existed when we started traveling. It’s the adventures you don’t plan for that usually end up being the most fun.  

Great Smoky Mountains

Visiting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has been one of our favorite annual traditions since we bought our first RV. Whether you’re camping on the west side of the park in Townsend, Tennessee where peace and tranquility are abundant, or south in Cherokee, North Carolina where rich history and fishing opportunities abound, there’s something for everyone.

Bailey and Nicole Damberg headshot.

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